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Mia: Lovable Bouquet

$ 84,72

Elegant bouquet with roses, peonies (available only in season), carnations and other small pink flowers and a nice decoration of greens. The peonies, when not available, will be replaced by another flower of equal value. The composition of the bouquet will be elegant and will make the day of the recipient special.

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Designer bouquet of roses, peonies (available only in season), carnations and other small pink flowers and a beautiful green decoration. In the event that some of the aforementioned flowers are not available or fresh on the delivery date, we will replace the flowers maintaining the color scheme and style of the bouquet. If the replacement is significant, we will inform you before delivery. Please note that all of our bouquets are prepared by the best local florists in each city. Each florist has his own style and gives a unique touch to each elaborated bouquet. Rest assured that a beautiful bouquet of flowers will be delivered. The Mia flower bouquet is a luxurious flower bouquet and will be wrapped in a special way.


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Reasons to Trust Us


We only work with trusted local florists that have a track record of excellent service and flowers that are high quality, fresh, and beautiful.


Our mission is to spread good times, joy, and happiness through flowers. We want to delight our customers and gift recipients with unique handcrafted bouquets prepared by the best local florists. You won’t be disappointed!


We believe in sustainability, in supporting local florists and in providing excellent customer services to our clients. We aim to bridge local florists to a wider audience through new and emerging technologies and also provide our florists with new insights on the market and its demands.